A Look At My Past Jobs, and My Journey From Weight Focused to Weight Neutral RD

by | Jul 1, 2024

Disclaimer: This episode contains discussion about weight and weight loss. If this type of discussion is at all triggering to you, please take care of yourself and skip it. Thank you.

Today I take you on my journey as a dietitian.  I had big dreams starting out as a dietitian, and I wonder, where would I be now if my dreams had actually come true? Hint: I’m glad they didn’t. Starting off at a weight loss clinic (you read that right) and making my way to the University setting, I’ve learned quite a lot in the past twenty years. I never would have guessed I’d end up where I am now, as a weight-neutral dietitian.  I’m happy where I am, and I know I would never be here if I hadn’t had some of the professional experiences I’ve had.

Show Notes

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