Virtual Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Services
Virtual Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Monthly Program
General Nutrition Support Session Bundle
Self-Paced, Online Intuitive Eating Course

Virtual Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Monthly Program
Are you sick and tired of dieting, judging yourself based on the foods you eat or don’t eat, or eating based on the number on the scale? Consider entering a journey of wellness, self-care, and food freedom. As your journey begins, you will work to gain a better understanding of your beliefs about food and your body, while also learning to trust your body and the signals it gives you to eat, drink, slow down or speed up.
Next, you may begin to feel the shift in energy as you learn to accept all foods, and nourish your mind with positive messages, and your body with the nutrients and foods it needs to help you through your daily life. Throughout this journey, you will work towards a path of being loving towards, and appreciating the body that has carried you through life thus far. On this journey you will find that you are no longer just surviving, but thriving. If you are ready to clear up space in your mind to allow all foods to fit, and to free yourself from negative self-talk, intuitive eating and wellness coaching is for you. The benefits will go beyond you personally, and will suffuse to your young and impressionable kids, grandkids, or any youth you are surrounded by regularly.
Intuitive eating and wellness coaching sessions are virtual, unless you prefer otherwise. We will start each session with an optional guided meditation to open both of our minds to acceptance and calmness. Past participants of this program have found that the built-in accountability has kept them motivated to change, and the results have been life-changing. Unlike diets, which are temporary, intuitive eating and body respect is for a lifetime.
Have insurance? Reach out to me at to schedule something with Nourish, where I offer intuitive eating coaching, covered by insurance.
Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Program Includes:
Introductory Video
This video will teach you all about the program, a little about me and my background, and most importantly will start you on your first steps on your wellness journey.
1:1 Focused & Personalized Wellness Sessions
One-on-one focused and personalized Intuitive Eating and wellness coaching sessions, every other week. On this journey, I will take your lead and help guide you to break away from dieting and restricting, gain trust in your body’s signals, come from a place of curiosity instead of judgment, develop sound and personally focused self-care routines, and ultimately thrive in your life.
Continuous Weekday Coach Access
Continuous weekday access to me, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a masters degree in human nutrition science, and with more than 15 years of coaching experience, as well as Body Positivity training, and a personal history of rebuilding my relationship with food and my body. You will be given access to a private health portal once you start the program.
The Intuitive Eating Workbook
by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole ($20 value)
Body Kindness Workbook and Journal
by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN ($15 value)
Discounted follow-ups
After program completion, you will have access to unlimited follow-up Intuitive Eating Support Sessions with me at a discounted price of $80/session.

Intuitive Eating Support Session
These sessions are available whenever you need them, after completing a Nutrition Unmeasured Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Program. Intuitive Eating, food freedom and body positivity is a lifelong journey, and you will inevitably have roadblocks and times in your life when you need extra support (we are human!). Use these sessions to get continued support. Know that, unlike what diet culture makes you think, if you falter a bit on your journey you are not failing, you are living. We are human. These sessions are for those days you just need to talk through your feelings, catch me up with how you’re doing. These sessions can also be used for nutrition coaching, as needed. After completing the Nutrition Unmeasured Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching Program, these sessions are offered at a discounted rate of $60/hour. Sign up for a session here. Disclaimer: for clients that receive services via telehealth (not in Ohio), please note that you may be referred to another dietitian (in your state) if you require MNT-related services.

General Nutrition Support Session Bundle
Are you just hoping to jump start a wellness journey? Sign-up for a General Nutrition Support Session Bundle to get you on the right track. I will use the principles of Intuitive Eating during these sessions, and focus more on what to add to your diet vs. what to omit. These sessions are for the person who needs some basic guidance as they are trying to figure out next steps on their health and wellness journey. Sessions are not intended for weight loss, but I will always make space for body image discussions. The cost is $250 for three sessions (one hour first session and two 30-minute follow-ups). You will receive realistic goals and intentions to help you move forward. You may be able to use a personal FSA card.
In-Person at Home Visit (Option 1)
Virtual Calls (Option 2)
Interested? Email me at

Self-Paced, Online Intuitive Eating 10 Module Course (FREE!)
Want to start your Intuitive Eating journey on your own? I have you covered! This is a 10-module self-learning PowerPoint e-course that you can do at your own pace (access for FREE, here!) You will have access to the content forever after paying for the course. I encourage you to find a relaxing place at home, at work, or wherever you feel most comfortable and get ready to engage in learning and self-improvement. With this course you will receive; 10 mindful meditation sessions, an in-depth look at the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, and suggested worksheets from The Intuitive Eating workbook to keep you engaged between modules (Note: you will need to purchase the workbook on your own), and valuable insights from other intuitive eaters, professionals, colleagues, and my children (because children are, after all, the best intuitive eaters!). This course will also provide you with a plethora of additional resources to keep you learning, and thriving on your journey to food peace and body positivity.
This course is for you if:
- You are ready to change your relationship with food and your body
- You are ready to let go of the scale and ignore weight in favor of trusting your body
- You are fed up with diets and are ready to open up more time & space for enjoyment of life
- You are considering my NU IE and Wellness Program but would like to ease into it first
- You are considering my Nutrition Unmeasured: Personal Intuitive Eating and Wellness Counseling Coaching but would like to ease into it first

Virtual, Live 5-week Intuitive Eating Course
Are you ready to start your Intuitive Eating journey but not quite ready to commit to the coaching program? This five-week Intuitive Eating course may be the perfect fit. Each class is one hour and fifteen minutes and takes participants through the ten principles of Intuitive Eating. The classes are stimulating and interactive. Participants must purchase the Intuitive Eating workbook to use throughout the course. This is a fast-paced course and is meant to jump-start your journey and get you “hungry” to learn more! Participants will get a 10% discount, per month, on the Virtual Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching program in the future. The cost for this course is $150/person, plus the price of the workbook ($17 on Amazon). Sign-up below to be notified when offered again.

Mini Course and Corporate Offerings
E-mail me at to learn about corporate offerings and pricing.