by Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN | Feb 11, 2023
My kids have this song they listen to on our Alexa, which goes a little something like, “Yum, yum, breakfast burritos! Yum, yum, breakfast burrrrritttos!”. It’s catchy, albeit weird. My kids genuinely love a good breakfast burrito. They are so easy...
by Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN | Feb 2, 2023
Back in my early twenties I used pot to give me an appetite when I was “healing” from my eating disorder. I told myself I was smoking to help me heal, but the truth is I was smoking to numb my feelings and pain. The marijuana helped me to eat, but did...
by Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN | Jan 27, 2023
The process of making peace with food may arguably be the scariest part of intuitive eating, even scarier than the process of letting go of dieting all together. Fear of making peace is normal, and expected. You may have a lot of voices in your head telling you this...
by Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN | Jan 19, 2023
Back when I was a DIETitian, and put people on diets, I liked to suggest slowing down when eating, and making sure you wait 15 or so minutes to see if your fullness sets in. Back then this advise was really given with the wrong intentions (you can probably deduce...
by Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN | Jan 11, 2023
Years ago when, I first became a dietitian, I often told people, “When you think you are hungry, it may actually be thirst, so see if a drink of water helps first”. That was a perfect example of my biased and diet-focused education hard at work. This...