When my kids are older, and have their own kids (if they decide to), I sometimes wonder what they will tell their kids about their parent’s cooking. I cook often, but it’s generally simple things that don’t take a lot of time. That being said, I love experimenting with new bars, snacks, muffins, cookies, and quick breads. When Nicole posted these pumpkin bars on her blog, I immediately knew I had to make them.
Right out of the oven they were warm, soft, and smelled like heaven. We decided to be patient and waited about 20 minutes for them to cool down and form a bit better, before diving in. It was worth the wait. They were amazing. I did make just a couple modifications to the recipe; I used regular chocolate chips (instead of Stevia) and used butter (melted) instead of coconut oil. I assure you they turned out fine. The family loved them!

They stuck a bit to the parchment paper, but no big deal!