Nourish Your Body, Without Restriction

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Start a journey of working with, instead of against your body.

Take back your life and start living again.

Nutrition Unmeasured: Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching- Virtual and in Columbus, Ohio 

Join me, Gina Forster, on a journey of food freedom, and diet liberation.  On this journey you will find that your food scales, measuring cups, macro and calorie calculators don’t define good and bad food choices, and your weight does not define you or your health. Are you ready to start thriving? Get Started >>

Gina Forster, MS, RDN, LDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor in Columbus, Ohio

I’m Gina (Casagrande) Forster, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor in Columbus, Ohio with a master’s degree in human nutrition. I’m a mom of two, Paige and Cameron. I’ve been a Registered Dietitian for over 15 years. My favorite foods are cake with buttercream icing, pizza, and peanut butter. My life changed when I began giving myself unconditional permission to eat these foods. And guess what? You can do the same.

Gina Forster, registered dietitian and intuitive eating counselor in Columbus, OH

Reasons You May Seek
Nutrition Coaching Services

 I work with clients from all over, virtually or through my local intuitive eating and nutrition coaching services in Columbus, Ohio.  These are common reasons you may choose Intuitive Eating coaching, especially with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist:

  • You are sick of counting calories & dieting
  • You want nutrition guidance, without restriction
  • You closely monitor all you eat, and want to stop
  • You want guidance on handling emotions, without using food to cope
  • You want to raise an Intuitive Eater but first have work to do yourself
  • You are postpartum and want to discover food and body freedom
  • You are ready to start trusting and respecting your body
  • You want more time for yourself
  • You love food and are excited about the idea of food freedom
  • You want to get rid of your food guilt
  • You want guidance on self-care practices that don’t focus on weight
  • You want a coach who can listen to and respect you, wherever you are in your wellness journey
  • You have a chronic condition and want realistic wellness tools and guidance to support you

What’s your unique reason for wanting to start this wellness journey?

Reasons you may NOT want to seek my services:

  • You are looking for weight loss tips
  • You need help starting a new diet
  • You are looking for a meal plan

 Personal Intuitive Eating coaching program reviews, and feedback on Intuitive Eating presentations...


“With Gina’s guidance, I did the hard work of examining my relationship to food and my body while living as an Intuitive Eater in a society obsessed with diet culture. Because of Gina’s coaching and my hard work, I am now at peace with food and my body. If you want to be at peace with food and your body, and are looking for a responsible, well-trained, humorous, trustworthy Intuitive Eating coach, Gina is it!”


“Gina was so organized and is a great presenter! She had so much good information and great slides! I’d like to go back to take classes and I think today has inspired me to study nutrition. Thank you!”


“Gina really connects with me and helps me feel understood. She genuinely cares about how I am feeling and wants to support me. ”


“Gina is great. I’ve dealt/deal with a lot of food issues and can tell that Gina has a good grasp on those issues. I greatly appreciate that.”


“Gina was calm and collected and presented in an easy-to-understand manner. Great speaker and great message. I wish more presentations on food and nutrition took a non-diet approach like hers did. More people need to hear this. There is too much shame and guilt with food that leads people to make unhealthy decisions and they stay stuck in that cycle for years.”

Email Me!

  Interested in my Intuitive Eating and Wellness Coaching services, but have questions? Interested in corporate or other offerings? Send me an email! Otherwise, my personal coaching application can be found HERE!

Follow Me!

Follow me on Instagram for more motivation on your journey to food freedom and body positivity. You’ll also see product, podcast, and book recommendations, as well as snippets from my life as a mom.


Nutrition Unmeasured Podcast

New Year. New You. Without a Diet

New Year. New You. Without a Diet

Who else is over the resolution to "lose weight"? Let's band together normalize the idea of creating goals that are sustainable and more focused on behavior change!  Join me as I discuss ten goals you may consider this year, that have nothing to do with changing your...

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Take back your life and start living again.